““jump the fence approach each new research project with a determination to uncover fresh ground for brands. They extract maximum value from respondents by treating them as both intelligent and creative individuals. They’re a really valued research partner because they help us get way beyond what people say, to uncover what they really mean.”
Qualitative face-to-face research
focus groups, one-on-ones, friendship groups
brand positioning
communications development
Package and product testing
Ethnographic research
in-context interviews
behavioural observations
user generated visual ethnography
customer journey mapS
alignment mapping
customer persona
Online/mobile forums and immersion panels.
mobile phone and online diaries
group interaction online Forums
interactive immersion panels
Path-to-purchase and shopper research
Accompanied shoppING
accompanied online behaviour
in-store intercepts
Video ethnography
brand-role and brand-meaning films
customer persona films
short films to evidence findings
behaviour observation videos
participant auto-ethnography